Our Partners
Buffalo Vineyard Church
5 Loaves Farm is a ministry of the Buffalo Vineyard Church. BVC seeks to connect people to God, His people, and purposes. The farm is just one of the ways BVC engages in missional service within the neighborhood. Through the farm, BVC seeks to restore people’s connection to their Creator, community, and all of creation.
716 Ministries
Serving the residents of Buffalo, 716 Ministries provides housing rehabilitation, job skill training, and facilities management for non-profit organizations. 5LF partners with 716 Ministries as they provide job readiness training for our youth interns. Through this training they are connected with a career coach, make and plan for achieving goals, and acquire the soft skills needed to succeed in the workplace.
Buffalo Urban Mission Partnership
BUMP is a year-long immersive training in urban ministry. Members engage in intentional community, theological studies, and service at churches and non-profits in the city of Buffalo. BUMP members serve as year round staff at the farm. Time for devotion and prayer are woven into their work on the farm and with our neighbors and youth interns.
Nickel City Floral
Nickel City Floral is a local, seasonal flower grower that works with 5LF to provide fresh flowers each month in the CSA. Nickel City Floral also partners with the farm in offering seasonal classes on flower arranging or wreath-making at the farm house.
Greater Buffalo Urban Growers
The Farmer Pirates are a cooperative of urban farmers located throughout Buffalo. They work together to compost, order supplies, effect policy change, learn from each other, and participate in the ecological development of our cityscape.